ACP incorporates self-generation of electricity through photovoltaic panels.

At ACP we are aware of the need to take care of the environment.  Our daily activities include tasks and controls aimed at minimizing the generation of waste, as well as its handling and management with the purpose of reducing its environmental impact as much as possible. All this will be recognized at the end of this year by obtaining the ISO 14000 certificate.

An important step in this direction has been the recent installation of photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of our factory. In this way we have started to self-supply part of the electricity consumption necessary for the operation of our facilities.

With the self-generation of electricity through this clean technology we take another step towards reducing the CO2 footprint of our activity. We estimate that this self-generation of energy is equivalent to an annual saving of about 132Tn of CO2 or the planting of more than 3,000 trees.